Owning a home business, especially one in direct sales, means you need to market and advertise properly. One of those marketing steps is to have the right business signs developed for your brand. If this is the first time you've ever had business signs made, you may know to include your name, business name, and contact phone number. What you may not know is what additional information needs to be on the business sign. Here are a few things to include on your home business signs and why each needs to be included.
Social Media
One of the things your business sign needs to include is your social media information. Ideally you will have the same name on all your social media accounts, making it easier for your potential clients and customers to find you. If you do have the same name on all your accounts, you can simply put that account name on the business sign with the social media button images below it. This will tell people who to look for and on what social media platform.
Coupon Code
Make a short coupon code that your new customers can use. Put that code on your business signs along with the discount amount. This serves two purposes. The first is to give your new customers an incentive for buying from you online. The second incentive is that the code is generally trackable. This means you can log in to your sales page and see the code. If you only use this code on your business signs you can see where your sales are coming from and see how well your business sign advertising is working for your business.
Your Picture
If you own a business, especially direct sales, you want to put a face with a name. Having your face on your business signs gives potential clients and customers the ability to match you with your product and a name. You may find that people will recognize you in public and know you for your business. This can bring you potential clients and customers based on the visual impression you left on your business signs.
These are just a few things to include on your home based business signs. Remember to have your sign made for your main location, magnet signs for your car, and signs for gatherings and expos. This ensures you have a sign for each area and location and you get your information out to the public as easily as possible.